- Accessibility Meetup Munich (20. Juni 2024)
- Notes January 2024 (31. Jan. 2024)
- Working Draft Podcast: Komponentenbasierte Frontends in TYPO3 (30. Jan. 2024)
- Accessibility Ressources (15. Jan. 2024)
- Podcasts 2023 (15. Jan. 2024)
- Bücher 2023 (31. Dez. 2023)
- Im Kino 2023 (29. Dez. 2023)
- T3DD Talk: How to design and develop a highly flexible and accessible website navigation (5. Aug. 2023)
- TYPO3 Fluid Component end-to-end testing with Playwright. (7. Juli 2023)
- Coloring SVG icon sprites in HTML and CSS (3. Apr. 2023)
- Perspektivenwechsel-Podcast: Learning culture in organisations (23. Jan. 2023)
- Working Draft Podcast: Lernfreundliche Organisationen (6. Dez. 2022)
- Working Draft Podcast: Ungeplant gastliches Glücksrad (25. Okt. 2022)
- "Community-First" User Interfaces (21. Aug. 2022)
- TYPO3 Quick Installation Guide (20. Aug. 2022)
- My first website (18. Aug. 2022)
- TYPO3 and Vite (7. Aug. 2022)
- Re-thinking the layout grid with CSS grid (27. Juli 2022)
- A11y was the missing puzzle piece to my understanding of web technologies (14. Juli 2022)
- Learning in public (18. Dez. 2021)
- The RAM Layout Pattern (11. Dez. 2021)